Media consumption is in constant evolution, with a shift towards channels and methods of use and access to content that until a few years ago were decidedly a niche: more than a third of Italians have replaced - or integrated - TV with Internet, consolidating the growth of on-demand programming and the use of content on mobile devices.
Having halved the percentage of readers of printed newspapers in 10 years, it now seems to be settling at minimal but stable levels, with digital subscriptions data holding up. Moreover, the growing popularity of Social Networks has transformed them - to all intents and purposes - into new Media.
This transformation is even more evident when looking at the world of Advertising and Communication. All operators in this market are now facing the great opportunity represented by topics such as profiling, retargeting, Interaction and all the paradigms underlying the Digital Marketing strategies.
In order to respond to this fast-changing scenario, it is necessary to undertake a Digital Transformation process that, through a reinterpretation of one's own business offer in the light of the most innovative market trends, leads to a review of all the production and commercial processes that can contribute to making the company more competitive thanks to the use of digital technologies, new behavioural models and more advanced technologies.
At the heart of this change lies the company's Human Capital, which, in order to accompany the ongoing transformation, must be confronted with new professional skills and a different mindset.
Key2people has developed a methodology on this subject that has been applied in leading national and multinational companies with successful projects that, through Assessment, Executive Search and training, have accelerated change.