The current evolution in the Real Estate sector requires increasingly advanced organisational, entrepreneurial and managerial skills, making it necessary to identify skilled professionals, able to exploit the potential of sophisticated analysis tools, through diversified and integrated skills.
The current scenario indicates elements of explicit recovery, sustained above all by international investors (who can account for up to 50% of the volumes transacted), bringing the values of the prime net yield back to competitive thresholds.
As always, this new scenario of change requires a renewal and updating of skills in order to offer the market a high level of service.
n addition, the new regulatory framework has fostered the emergence of new real estate finance models, a new wave of securitisation transactions and new real estate funds.
However, there is a need for new skills and new professionals that can manage a different approach to real estate transactions.
The development of a real estate operation must be preceded by the definition of a marketing plan, i.e. an in-depth analysis of the context in order to identify a positioning of the real estate product consistent with the needs of demand, and different from the characteristics of competing offers. Of extreme importance is then the marketing phase of the real estate product, i.e. the planning of specific communication and sales activities.
In addition, the entry of new players in the market, both domestic and foreign, has led to a demand for new professional figures (financial directors for construction companies, professional property managers, sales & marketing directors, asset, property and facility managers, etc.).