Cultural Change

Cultural Change

Changing the Culture of an organisation means intervening in the values that guide both the long-term choices and the actions and behaviours put in place every day by the people who are part of the organisation.

Aligning Organisational Culture and Behaviour to the strategic objectives of a business is a delicate operation that requires the identification of the correct levers of change to be activated with an integrated approach: training, management style and an incentive system are just some of the levers to be activated to start a process of cultural evolution.

The activation of a change management process is a seemingly “soft” lever but, if well designed and implemented, it can be as powerful and resilient over time as few others.

Key2people is able to accompany an array of Organisations in the process of change and cultural evolution by deploying both the necessary skills in analysing the client's organisational and cultural context and in defining an Action Plan to support the change. We build integrated change programmes, intervening both in training and development actions and in organisational and management system levers, accompanying the client in the evolution process.

Our approach can be applied both to individuals or small teams (e.g. an executive team) and to large populations of employees (a function, or even the entire company). In the first case, individual or team coaching tools are mainly applied, while in the second case, collective engagement tools such as surveys, focus groups, workshops, training, and internal communication are used. The important thing is to identify a “programming schedule” of mutually consistent and cost-effective actions.

Key2people accompanies the process of communicating and adopting expected behaviours through an approach that is as pervasive as it is concrete, ensuring that values and principles do not remain just declarations of intent but a real shared identity.

This is achieved both “upstream” through the definition of values and guidelines that are deep rooted in the target reality, and “downstream”, through an in-depth adoption process with intuitively understandable examples and “training” exercises on target behaviours.

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