EVP & People Strategy Redesign

EVP & People Strategy Redesign

In a context such as the current one, where bargaining power has shifted in favour of candidates (the so-called “war for talent”), establishing an effective Employee Value Proposition (EVP) vis-à-vis employees or the labour market is often an essential condition of competitive advantage.

In our approach, we cross the strategic needs in terms of leadership style and required skillsets with the tools available to the HR function to establish a fruitful “contract” between company and person.

Experience, Engagement, and Value Proposition: terms once the preserve of marketing have entered the HR vocabulary not only as re-branding but also as a different way of interpreting the role of the HR division. With this in mind, it is useful to think in terms of the “employee journey”, to identify those “moments of truth” in which the employee forms an opinion on the correspondence between own expectations and the value provided by the company (and vice versa, of course).

In this way, the consistency between existing HR processes and those required to compete successfully, on the one hand, and those expected by people, internal or external, on the other hand, is assessed and if necessary, modified.

EVP cannot be a theoretical or abstract construct, it must instead find its meaning in the concrete expectations of employer and employees.

For this reason and at this stage, Key2people conducts a survey of the main challenges on the business front and the issues of human resources attraction, retention and motivation through interviews and workshops with company management.

Alongside this activity, the needs expressed by samples of employees with respect to the balance between personal contributions and the value paid by the company are collected in a symmetrical manner.

The resulting picture makes it possible to precisely identify the strengths and areas for improvement in the company's HR strategy.

Identifying an effective and distinctive positioning, particularly on certain key issues such as Employer Branding, Attraction and Talent Management systems, requires an understanding of the competitive context in which one is placed and an analysis of the best practices adopted by similar national and international realities recognised as benchmarks.

For us, one of the fundamental components in the construction of an authentic but also innovative Employer-Employee relationship model is therefore observation of the market, both in terms of best practices adopted by companies, and in the expectations intercepted through listening to the different candidate communities, which we meet daily in our headhunting experience.

Our approach to defining the Employee Value Proposition therefore combines the strategic perspective addressed by Management and the collection of expectations within the corporate population, with the reconstruction of particularly evolved Employee Journey models, which can act as a lever of inspiration in the construction of concrete messages and actions to support the Employee Experience.

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